Tuesday, May 29, 2007

會考經濟(28/05/2007) karengirl91hk問

Mr. Cheung, a shop owner said, "There is no leading seller in this market. Although the market share of my shop is not large, I still Have certain power to set the price for my goods."(a)Under which type of market structure does Mr. Cheung's shop operate?Explain your answer.(b)State TWO other features of this type of market structure.


同學一見到要identify (辨認)邊種market structure (市場結構)嘅題目, 首先諗吓seller (經營者)所佔嘅market share (市場佔有率), 然後諗features (特徵)。問題入面有幾個重要提示, 第一, 題目講明 “have certain power to set the price” , 即係話俾人知佢係price-searcher (尋價者), 敢咪一定唔係perfect competition (完全競爭), 因為佢係price-taker (受價者), 換句話講, 考慮monopoly (壟斷), oligopoly (寡頭壟斷) 同 monopolistic competition (壟斷性競爭)呢3種市場結構。第二, 題目話 " market share of my shop is not large”, 擺明唔會係monopoly, 因為monopoly嘅話就攞晒成個market, 即獨市(100% market share)。敢佢係oligopoly 定係monopolistic competition呢? 第三, 題目醒咗 "no leading seller”三個字, 即係冇 dominant sellers (主要經營者)响市場「打骰」, 即唔係oligopoly, 答案係monopolistic competition喇。至於列舉特徵, 相信同學好容易從一般textbook揾到答案, 就留番俾大家答埋啦!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

我想問下咩叫price searcher,price taker同capital formation,capital concumption???