Friday, May 11, 2007

會考經濟(10/05/2007) dennis170191問

dennis170191問: 我想問long Q 要你答原因既問題洗唔洗解釋??or只係答point就有分???好似lee題: 93 1ciiAfter the opening of this branch, the unit cost of producing hamburgers is lower. Give TWO economic reasons for this.Marking的答案:-economies of scale-lower cost of keeping reserve for maintenance and operation-management economy-technical economy.....等等如果我好似marking咁答只寫point會唔會扣分????


Economies of scale (規模經濟) 題目嘅評分準則係每個point 俾2分, 每一個point 要寫name(邊種規模經濟), 例如 management economies(管理上的經濟) ---1分 + explain(解釋), 例如 A larger firm has a wider scope of specialization and it can employ more professionals. Hence, efficiency is improved and average cost is lowered. (規模較大的廠商可享受分工帶來的好處,可以聘請更多專業人事。因此,效率上升和平均成本下降。) ---1分, 題目通常要求答2-3個points, 同學响Marking scheme見嘅答案只列出name, 方便marker 改卷, 考生咁答就每個point 只係攞1分,記得要explain! 仲有, 解釋入面一定要講到因output(產出)增加而令average cost (平均成本)下降, 咁先攞到full mark +攞盡埋傳意技能分數o架!



Unknown said...

i m a student who self-study CE econ, could u share the 07 econ paper??

Friendonomics said...

經濟友遲d會同大家分享CE 2007考生响Paper 1嘅表現, 同埋講吓今年份卷要注意嘅地方。
