Wednesday, December 19, 2007

會考經濟(17/11/2007) Wai317問:

Wai317:想問下..如果做pastpaper應該做幾多年至幾多年..聽人講91-07..但係我有埋84-90..應唔應該做埋佢?有冇係out左syb? 如果有既話..有冇邊課係未out..[例如:需求/供給果課], 如果我目標係想A..應該做多d..[84-07]定係做多幾次..[91-07]

睇怕有唔少同學有Wai317同chevan一樣嘅諗法 --- practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 = 攞A!!經濟友响03/11/2007回覆己經分享過, 會考Econ攞A最重要係小心審題兼掌握到考評局嘅marking準則, 「做多d..84-07」、「做多幾次..91-07」, 「熟背marking scheme」等未必work, 甚至會有反效果!! 完全一樣嘅題目重覆又重覆再做幾次, 其實同小學果陣背默冇分別, 熟到題目「立一立」就即「默」marking scheme, 難怪好多考生一睇到條題目同某年pastpaper差唔多, 就開心以為係番炒, 跟住就梗係諗都唔諗就「背默」, 就以2007份卷為例, 經濟友見唔少考生以為07-B8(b)(i) unemployment rate (失業率)嘅題目同06-B9(c)一樣, 答番舊年類似嘅答案, 其實兩條嘅cases根本唔同, 而且問法都唔一樣, 07年問explain how (解釋如何)… BUT 06年問explain why (解釋為什麼)…有d考生就將textbook解釋失業率會上升/下跌/不變呢3個conditions寫晒出嚟, 跟據考評局今年嘅marking準則, 如果寫多過一個case, 即立場uncertain(不肯定) – 0分! 好彩今年呢題算改得「鬆手」, 大部份題目如果立場答錯或冇講就0分, 但呢題就算立場錯, 但寫到Labour force increases 勞動人口上升 ­--1分, Unemployed population increases失業人口 上升­ -- 1 分。

同學要明白想會考Econ攞A除咗明晒concepts同勤力之外, 更重要係識因應題目嘅改變去分析要答咩points, 想攞A嘅同學唔好有一般考生d諗法啦! 話明係一般考生係咁諗, 當然考個grade 都一般啦!!


Sunday, November 4, 2007

會考經濟(01/11/2007) pppp問:

pppp問: 我想問: 我唔知條supply 幾時先要打直(02年第11b),另外,我分唔到supply改變同demand改變既分別??仲有問題:書話:many close substitute=> elastic demand,係咪即係 increase 個elasticity of demand???

其實demand and supply彈性呢個topic較為複雜, 好難三言兩語就100%清晒concept, 經濟友响度唯有簡單解答pppp嘅問題。

打直supply curve嘅意思係no matter how price changes, quantity supplied remains unchanged (無論價格如何改變, 供給量不變), 睇番2001至2007年嘅 Paper 1, 呢款題目年年都出 (只响2004年停賽一次), 上名率高達85.7%。大家可參考經濟友
28/04/2007 post嘅會考經濟之重點搶分篇(第4講): Application on perfectly inelastic supply (完全無彈性供給之應用)。

Price elasticity of demand (需求價格彈性)係指消費者對price(價格)改變而令到佢嘅quantity demanded(需求量)改變嘅反應。譬如lunch嘅時候可以去學校附近果兩間餐廳食飯, 如果佢哋加價, 會少咗d同學去幫襯 (law of demand需求定律), 但只會少咗一dd人去食 (demand is less elastic彈性較低) , 因為得果兩間餐廳, 冇乜其他選擇 (留响canteen捱 “鼻涕紙皮粒飯"或"肉醬橡根")。但如果學校附近開多10間餐廳 (多咗close substitutes 代替品),
由於多咗選擇, 果兩間餐廳一加價就自然會流失更多同學幫襯佢哋, 而移情別戀試新果d (demand is more elastic彈性較高)。


Saturday, November 3, 2007

會考經濟(28/10/2007) chevan問:

chevan問:你好呀~ 我依家中五了~我好想ECONOMICS GRADE A~,準備了狂操PAST PAPER 還有 做練習,有冇練習推介? 仲有多留意 你網頁 學野~,你有沒有msn? 我諗住由82年開始操到07, 不過搵唔到咁舊的... 唔知你幫唔幫到我呢?

多謝你對friendonomics.blogspot.com嘅支持! 其實只要攞到每個topic嘅重點, 睇清晒以住試題會點問法兼掌握到考評局嘅marking準則, 操夠10年pastpaper 已A到有凸, 經濟友嘅學生Econ 攞A有三分一都只做近6至8年嘅pastpapers , 資質好d就做5年都足夠有餘, 始終會考唔係齋考Econ一科, 要識有效咁去分配時間係好重要, 如果用勁多時間做晒82-07pastpaper去搶個A番嚟, 恐怕經濟效益太低, 經濟友奉勸chevan真係要「狂」操廿幾年 (包埋大堆out-syl兼outdated題目)前, 諗吓你嘅opportunity cost先啦! 經濟友係想幫學生先唔俾咁舊嘅pastpaper佢哋做, 希望chevan明白啦!


Friday, October 19, 2007

會考經濟(14/10/2007) nicky_steven625問:

nicky_steven625: 中四第一次Econ. term test....會考d咩?本人讀緊F.4..讀Econ.就黎有第一次Econ. 既term test.唔知會點樣出同會有d 咩類型既題目....讀Economics 既朋友唔該俾d 意見牙~

大部份嘅日校去到十月中會教緊Demand and Supply (供求)裡面嘅shortage/surplus (超額需求/供給), 教得快d嘅會講到change in demand/supply (需求/供給改變),所以如果十月term test, 多數主要測Basic concepts (基本概念), 而因為學生只係啱啱學緊Demand and Supply 嘅beginning, 所以最多問吓law of demand (需求定律), 以及equilibrium (均衡點)同disequilibrium (shortage/surplus). 唔知會點樣出同會有d 咩類型既題目.? 經濟友估計份test會大概有以下類型嘅題目:

Structural questions:
1. Definition of opportunity cost and analysis of the change in opportunity cost(機會成本的定義及機會成本是否改變及如何改變)
2. Identification of free good(分辨免費物品)
3. Finding out equlibrium, shortage/surplus + demand-supply diagram(找出均衡點, 超額需求/供給 + 供需圖)

1. Scarcity(稀少性)
2. Opportunity cost(機會成本)
3. Consumer goods vs capital goods(消費物品vs資本物品)
4. Identificaiton of the 3 basic economic problems in different econominc systems(分辨在不同的經濟制度下三個資源分配的問題)

同學想進一步了解F4 Econ嘅重點以及針對Paper 1必考題目 ---Opportunity cost (機會成本)同 demand and supply(供求)嘅考評局最新marking準則, 從而加强答題搶分技巧, 可免費試1 free lecture, 詳情可致電9062 3646 或透過電郵


Thursday, October 18, 2007

會考經濟(13/10/2007) matilda1問:

回答問題前, 經濟友先同一直支持呢個blog嘅朋友say sorry! 因為經濟友呢排好忙, 由9月到兒家己同F5學生操咗3個tests, 每次要改160份test papers, 加上F4,F5 and F6 Regular Courses先後開班, 扣除補課, 課外活動, 開會等, 所以一路冇時間寫blog, 希望大家見諒。

matilda1問: QD 同Demand點分?demand refers to all QD at all given prices係點解? thx for answering~


同學仲要識寫到quantity demand(需求量), quantity bought(購買量), quantity transacted(成交量)嘅分別, 可睇番95-A3(b)。

其實會考勁鍾意考人識唔識分辨change in demand(需求) 同change in quantity demanded (需求量)嘅改變, 要畫埋圖顯示, 呢類題目响Paper 1 嘅Section A 已見唔少,近期有 00-A2 (7分), 01-A2 (5分), 05-A1(5分), 想了解多d, 可參考02/09/2007 post嘅 “
會考經濟(01/09/2007) chingman 1316問”。


Monday, September 10, 2007

會考經濟(07/09/2007) maxtsiumax問

maxtsiumax問: Study the following information carefully: Mr Wong is a lawyer. He rents an office in Central at $10000 per month and employs Mary as his secretary at $8000 per hour. Explain whether Mr Wong's cost of using the office will be changed if he decided to extend his office hours to 7:00 p.m.

經濟友以前响forum已見過類似呢題關於opportunity cost(機會成本)嘅問題, 而睇番同學網上嘅解答, 發現同學有d係concept唔清, 亦有d同學就算concept ok , 但衰冇睇清楚問題而攞0分! 其實最緊要睇cost of “xxx”!

以maxtsiumax條題目為例, 如果問cost of “running”(營運) office, 因為兩粒鐘OT會用多咗電費 (開燈,冷氣,影印機等), 出OT糧俾員工, 所以operating cost (營運成本)會上升。但如果題目係問cost of “using”(使用) office, 同學應該諗吓間office响果兩粒鐘有冇alternative uses (其他用途), 如果冇嘅話, 即係冇選擇, 冇選擇即冇嘢要放棄, 所以冇成本 (no choice, no cost!) 但如果有嘅話, 譬如OT果兩粒鐘原本可用嚟開法律課程, 咁OT嘅話就開唔到法律課程, 即犧牲果堂賺到嘅學費 (tuition fee forgone), 所以有成本。

同學答咗「成本上升, 因為OT要用多咗燈油火爉兼俾OT人工」, 反映佢將題目cost of using誤解為cost of running the office! 亦有同學話「成本是加長的時間成本」,其實呢個只係Mr.Wong開OT嘅time cost (時間成本), 例如响大學做兼職lecturer, 佢開兩粒鐘OT嘅總成本 (cost of having OT) 係兩粒鐘OT會用多咗電費 (開燈,冷氣,影印機等), 出OT糧俾員工, 加埋兩粒鐘做lecturer可賺到嘅人工。 見到題目問cost of using the office,同學要留心係諗OT兩粒鐘入面office有咩其他用途, 而唔係諗Mr.Wong OT兩粒鐘入面有咩其他事情可以做。

以下係經濟友响舊年暑假(24/08/2006) Econ 奪A解碼講座都同大家分享過有關opportunity cost嘅tricky題目:

經濟友响今年暑假(16/07/2007) Econ 奪A解碼講座亦都提過應屆會考生响 CE 07-B10(c)答得勁差嘅原因, 希望批改明年會考卷會見到少d考生再犯同樣錯處, 至少睇過或聽過經濟友提過呢件事嘅同學唔會跟一般考生「中招」啦! 有時間睇番08/05/2007 post 嘅會考經濟之答題技巧篇(第4講): Opportunity cost (機會成本) , 09/05/2007 post 嘅 會考經濟之重點搶分篇(第5講): Time cost (時間成本) and 會考經濟(10/05/2007) kalayee問 吧!

F4同學啱啱學到opportunity cost時可能未必掌握到concept嘅應用同答題竅門, 如果想知多d , 可以响即將開班嘅F4 Econonomics Regular Course度聽吓!


Thursday, September 6, 2007


越嚟越多同學入U揀Business, 少咗人揀Engine, 可能覺得香港始終靠金融商業「食糊」, 但其實响金融商業嘅人才唔一定要揸BBA, 好多係揸其他degree , 然後再攞個MBA或專業qualification。同學揀科時一定要考慮埋興趣, 就算成績好, 但對business冇セ興趣, 就咪見d勁人入BBA就盲目跟隊。

(Source: 大公報 06/09/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 06/09/2007)


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


同學揀科嘅時候, 除咗諗畢業後嘅前途同「錢途」外, 最緊要留意各科今年同舊年嘅收生成績 (唔係minimum requirement),量力而為, 否則可能連offer 都冇!

(Source:東方日報 04/09/2007)


Sunday, September 2, 2007

會考經濟(01/09/2007) chingman 1316問

chingman1316問: What is the difference between changes in quantity demanded and change in demand? Thanks!

Chingman, 會考勁鍾意考人識唔識分辨change in demand(需求) 同change in quantity demanded (需求量)嘅改變, 响Paper 1 嘅Section A 已見唔少,近期有 00-A2 (7分), 01-A2 (5分), 05-A1(5分)。 Demand vs quantity demanded再撈埋linked exchange rate system (聯繫滙率)嘅題目可參考吓05-A1果題。同學最重要睇清楚 “cause” (成因), change in quantity demanded係由於price (價格)改變所導致, 而 change in demand 係由於other factors except price (除咗價格以外嘅其他因素)改變所導致。

不如大家諗吓下面兩個例子屬於demand 改變 or quantity demanded 改變?

Explain, with the aid of separate diagrams, why people buy less pork if

(1) there is an increase in the price of pork.

(2) there is an awareness of the importance of keeping fit for ladies.


Saturday, September 1, 2007


仲有兩日就開學, 經濟友嘅F7學生話己响xanga加咗A-level倒數, 好似期待2008奧運咁。開學冇耐就會派JUPAS申請表, 相信着緊自己升學前途嘅同學己經揾過有關上屆JUPAS嘅資料, 經濟友亦都响8月post咗d有關資料, 响JUPAS放榜消息 (04/08/2007)嘅剪報, 睇到CUHK包攬半數5優狀元, 而整體入到CUHK嘅勁人入讀咩學系? 大家可以睇吓一d數據:

(Source: 星島日報 01/09/2007)

"中大校長劉遵義是經濟學名家, 看到中大經濟學系成為精英中七生的入學志願必感快慰”(星島), 經濟友亦係CU Econ出身, 見到呢科躍升為F7同學嘅心儀「當紅學系」都覺得自豪!


Friday, August 31, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(8)

會考十幾分「鯭車邊」升F6嘅同學, 讀咗一年預科後, 如果覺得自己「唔夠班」考A-level, 唔想「浪費」時間捱F7, 但又想入U, 可以點?

(Source: 明報 31/08/2007)


會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(7)

會考中英文肥佬但仍能升學修讀F6或某d証書,文憑,副學士課程等, 駛唔駛重考番,at least攞個pass?

(Source: 星島日報 31/08/2007)


Sunday, August 19, 2007


(15/08/2007) siuma問:我想問你會唔會再搞講座呀?好似之前Econ奪A解碼講座咁..我果日唔得閒冇去到 ..我好多fd都係

好抱歉!短期內未諗住再搞講座, 如果你想攞到上次個Econ奪A解碼講座嘅notes同了解番講座講嘅重點, 可以打電話或email俾我, 安排你同d friends响summer course 最後一堂(即下星期四, 23/7)果日上嚟教室啦!


會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(6)

英國文化協會舉辦嘅英國院校招生展, 琴日同今日(1:00pm -7:00pm)响灣仔華潤大廈低座三樓搞, 因為本港開多咗副學士課程 (substitutes代替品), 赴英國留學嘅人(demand需求)少咗, 部分英國院校俾香港學生學費減免優惠去搶客。

(Source: 明報 19/08/2007)

(Source: 成報 19/08/2007)


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(5)


(Source: 頭條日報 13/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 15/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 15/08/2007)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(4)

F6收生第5階段完咗, 淨番唔夠50個位, 至於有關報讀IVE, 副學士嘅消息, 同學可以睇吓呢幾篇剪報。

(Source: 星島日報 14/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 14/08/2007)

(Source: 大公報 14/08/2007)


Monday, August 13, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(3)

今年報毅進嘅人比舊年多好多, 有7000人爭讀。

(Source: 大公報 13/08/2007)
另外, 勞工處搞嘅「青少年見習就業計劃」聽日(14/08/2007)舉辦青年招聘會,提供超過2500個職位空缺。

(Source: 大公報 13/08/2007)


Saturday, August 11, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(2)

除咗升F6之外, 同學留意埋副學士, 文憑, 證書, 毅進, 職訓等課程。如果想投身紀律部隊工作, 上網睇吓警隊, 懲教等資料。

(Source: 星島日報 11/08/2007)

(Source: 東方日報 11/08/2007)

(Source: 經濟日報 07/08/2007)

(Source: 東方日報 11/08/2007)


Friday, August 10, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 中六收生情況(2)

F6收生第一至三階段完咗, 仲淨番3 394官津學位俾27 600人爭, 機會率12%, 其實14分以下嘅同學應該諗吓其他選擇(副學士等課程), 勉強讀A- level都未必係好事, 大把會考揸14-17分嘅人去到A-level 讀得好辛苦, 就算好彩博到全部pass, 都未必入到U, 莫講話想揀邊間讀同想讀咩科, 因為大學收生睇晒會考+高考成績, 扣除本地拔尖, 內地及海外尖子, 如果會考揸12-13分仲要同大批會考二十幾分嘅人鬥A-level, 贏面有幾多其實心裡有數, 大家不妨睇番JUPAS放榜消息 , 所以如果怕「浪費」兩年A-level時間, 可以揾吓其他升學出路

(Source: 東方日報 10/08/2007)


會考放榜消息 --- 2007 會考經濟成績

睇番考評局嘅report, 今年比舊年少咗1500人考Econ (舊年39388人, 而今年37888人,), 而以中文應考嘅人比舊年多咗d (舊年54.0%,而今年54.6%)。至於今年整體考生嘅表現, 見到攞A, B, C 嘅人比舊年多咗0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 而合格率由舊年71.3%上升至今年71.9% (多咗0.6%)。


Thursday, August 9, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 中六收生情況(1)


(Source: 大陽報 09/08/2007)

(Source: 經濟日報 09/08/2007)

(Source: 經濟日報 08/08/2007)


會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(1)

無論考得好或考得冇咁好嘅同學, 都有好多升學途徑, 以下一d資料俾大家參考:

(Source: 星島日報 08/08/2007)

(S0urce: 星島日報 08/08/2007)

(Source: 明報 08/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 08/08/2007)


會考放榜消息 --- 勉勵同學(2)


(Source: 明報 08/08/2007)

(Source: 經濟日報 08/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 08/08/2007)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 勉勵同學(1)

今時今日無論做咩工都要終身學習,會考只係長跑入面其中一個checkpoint, 特首曾蔭權响會考放榜前夕向應屆會考生傳授減壓秘訣, 期間佢自爆當年應考西史時準備充足,但因錯誤分配答卷時間而最後肥佬咗,呢鑊令佢諗到讀書並非只為考試,特首仲勉勵學生從挫折中成長, 至於高官同娛樂圈嘅人都經歷過會考, 佢哋又點睇會考?

(Source: 星島日報 07/08/2007)

(Source: 明報 07/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 07/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 07/08/2007)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

會考放榜消息 --- 放榜準備

見到有d學生7月開始, 學咗獄中囚犯咁, 每過一日就响月曆度擦一下, 好期待悉放果一日, 可想到呢班學生幾咁心急, 期待着聽日放榜! 睇吓果日手風順唔順, 甩到幾多條A啦! 考得冇咁好嘅同學相信都想快d放榜, 好過擔心多幾晚。無論考得好定唔好都要做好準備。

(Source: 頭條日報 30/07/2007)

(Source: 香港商報 05/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 01/08/2007)
同學想查詢F6收生程序及學位, 可留意教育局公布2007年中六收生程序 , 以及SMS查詢學位。

(Source: 香港商報02/08/2007)

(Source: 星島日報 06/08/2007)


Monday, August 6, 2007


hi~wong sir~可唔可以講下入讀各大學經濟系既requirement呀?有冇邊間特別好/出名架?讀完econ出路係點呀?唔該~

1. 想知入讀各大學經濟系嘅requirements, 同學可以上JUPAS網站, click 入Programs offered under JUPAS查詢, 大U讀Econ嘅requirements如下:

CUHK Economics
HKALE:Grade E or above in 2 AL / 1 AL + 2 AS subjects + Grade E or above in AS Chin Lang & Culture and UE. HKCEE : Good grades in Eng Lang and one of the following subjects: Chin Lang, French / German + A good grade in Maths. Except for JUPAS applicants who enter for HKALE during Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 years, admissions scores of applicants with more than 1 sitting of HKALE will be adjusted downwards.
Program description:
The Department of Economics has the largest number of major students among all the undergraduate economics programmes in Hong Kong. We emphasize a balanced development of theoretical, applied, and analytical skills. Each student may choose to specialise in one, or at most two, concentration areas including Advanced Economics, Financial Economics, Business Economics and Chinese Economy. These concentration areas allow the students to acquire such in-depth professional knowledge that would prepare them adequately for diverse careers. James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in economic science, is the University's Distinguished Professor-at-Large, making us the only economics programme in Hong Kong to have a Nobel Laureate. The Department has been ranked number one in Hong Kong. We welcome both arts and science students.

HKU Economics & Finance
HKALE passes (i.e. Grade E or above) at both AL and AS in the same subject are counted as one.To Satisfy the University's entrance requirements, applicants are normally required to have at least a Grade D or better in AS Use of English. This programme is however prepared to admit academically talented students who may have additional English language needs. Applicants with good grades in HKALE subjects but with Grade E in AS Use of English will also be considered, on the understanding that these applicants, if selected for admission, will have to attend special English language courses to strengthen their English language proficiency.
Program description:
BEcon students will receive excellent training in microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, statistical tools, the application of theories to various economic activities such as trade, banking, and the labour market, and the analysis of economic performance in different regions including Hong Kong and Mainland China. (BFin students will receive rigorous training in economic and financial analysis and quantitative tools and techniques to promote better financial decision-making and risk management.) The BEcon&Fin degree programme is designed to meet the needs of students who have a balanced interest in the disciplines of economics and finance. While the other two programmes are more specialised, BEcon&Fin combines the strengths of the two specialised programmes but leaves less room for other subjects. .

HKUST BBA Economics
HKALE: Grade E or above in 2 AL subjects or 1 AL plus 2 AS subjects. In addition, a grade of D or above in AS Use of English is normally needed for admission. HKCEE: No other specific requirements
Program description:
The BBA programs provide a broad-based management education to students. All undergraduate students in the programs are required to complete a common core curriculum in their first year of study. After that, with the guidance of academic advisors and approval from the Undergraduate Programs Office, students in the BBA stream will select a major in one of the following areas: professional accounting, economics, finance, information systems, operations management, management of organizations and marketing. The curriculum of each of these seven majors is designed in such a way that a student can have double majors if he or she wishes. Therefore, graduation with double major designations (e.g. BBA in Finance and Marketing) is possible.


2. 有冇邊間特別好/出名架? 同學可到公共圖書館搜集資料, 信報月刋資料較多, 大家不妨自己去揾吓本港大學排名, 各大院校各科排名, 世界頂尖大學排名等, 經濟友响度只提供最近期嘅剪報俾各位參考:

(Source: 明報02/05/2007)

(Source: 香港商報02/05/2007)

(Source: 蘋果日報 09/05/2007)

(Source:星島日報 04/05/2007)

3. 讀完econ出路係點呀? 嘩!多到寫唔晒 (除咗冇得做醫護,工程,建築某d專業行業), 好睇際遇,經濟轉變,個人興趣及家人嘅期望等影响, 經濟友只可話俾同學知, 好多Econ畢業生想投身金融, 因始終香港最靠呢行揾錢, 國際金融中心+內地高經濟增長, 大家諗吓自己想做咩啦!


會考放榜消息 --- 升學及輔導


  • 教育局中五學生升學輔導手冊

    • 明報「會考生全策劃」---

    • 雅虎香港「放榜專輯2007」---

      同學响F6揀科果陣, 應該睇咗將來入U嘅心儀學科所要求考咩AL/AS 科目, (當然仲要考慮自己嘅能力同興趣啦!)

    • Programs offered under JUPAS (各院校不同科目之收生要求)

