Sunday, September 2, 2007

會考經濟(01/09/2007) chingman 1316問

chingman1316問: What is the difference between changes in quantity demanded and change in demand? Thanks!

Chingman, 會考勁鍾意考人識唔識分辨change in demand(需求) 同change in quantity demanded (需求量)嘅改變, 响Paper 1 嘅Section A 已見唔少,近期有 00-A2 (7分), 01-A2 (5分), 05-A1(5分)。 Demand vs quantity demanded再撈埋linked exchange rate system (聯繫滙率)嘅題目可參考吓05-A1果題。同學最重要睇清楚 “cause” (成因), change in quantity demanded係由於price (價格)改變所導致, 而 change in demand 係由於other factors except price (除咗價格以外嘅其他因素)改變所導致。

不如大家諗吓下面兩個例子屬於demand 改變 or quantity demanded 改變?

Explain, with the aid of separate diagrams, why people buy less pork if

(1) there is an increase in the price of pork.

(2) there is an awareness of the importance of keeping fit for ladies.


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