Monday, April 23, 2007

會考經濟(22/04/2007) Solewa問


1. Which of the following are indirect taxes?(1)excise duty(2)estate duty(3)rates(4)profits taxAns: B. (1) and (4) onlyWhy?profts tax 唔係direct tax 嗎?excise duty 又是什麼?
2. What would make depositors in HK transfer their local currency deposits to foreigh currency deposits?Ans. There is a widespread belief that the HK dollar is overvalued.我唔明個ans 有冇人可以解釋下?唔該哂 3. 我唔明呢句講嘜A country's popultaion size is said to be optimum if a change in population will lower te country's per capita real income.請問有冇人可以幫助我? thx我已經嘗試唸咗好耐都唸唔倒 唯有向你們求助萬分感謝


1. indirect tax 係指tax burden can be shifted to another party (稅項負擔可轉嫁他人), 同學除咗諗定義外, 記得indirect tax 係tax on goods or services, 題目中嘅(1)excise tax , 即煙酒稅 同埋(3)rates(差餉)就係喇。而direct tax 係指tax burden cannot be shifted to another party (稅項負擔不可轉嫁他人), 同學除咗諗定義外, 記得direct tax 係tax on income, 題目中嘅(2)estate duty (遺產稅)同埋(4)profits tax(利得稅)就係喇。答案應該係(1) and (3).
2. D人覺得Hong Kong dollar overvalued (港元被高估咗), expect 市場會令港元低番並回到equilibrium(均衡點), 港元會變低,換句話講, 即係會depreciate(貶值), 所以D人會transfer local currency (港元)deposits to foreign currency (其他貨幣)deposits去避免capital loss。
3. 首先, 條問題唔完整,唔知想問セ,第二, optimum呢個字只响AL考, 會考o黎講只係出現係long run入面嘅 optimal scale of production (最適度規模生產), 唔會係GDP per capita考, 可以放心!

明白嗎? Solewa


1 comment:

Unknown said...

我想問究竟decrease in import係會令GDP上升定係remain unchanged!? 同埋如果o係elastic demand既goods加tax(本身已經有,而家加多D),甘個tax revenue係升係跌定係uncertain? thank you =)