Monday, April 23, 2007

會考經濟(22/04/2007) cccmy123 問

cccmyc123問: 如果外國人係香港買野係GDP算export定consumption?係balance of trade又計唔計favourable for visible trade, tourist係咪same case?


1. Tourists 即係外國人,佢哋買嘢嘅支出會計落domestic export of services (本地出口服務),因為零售提供咗service俾佢哋, 如果件貨响香港製造, 即由香港嘅resident producing unit (常住生產單位)生產, 咁就要加埋domestic export of goods (本地出口貨品), 但如果件貨唔係由香港嘅resident producing unit生產, 例如made in China,咁就淨係有domestic export of services. 至於本地人(指香港人)嘅消費就屬於private consumption expenditure(私人消費開支), 如果件貨唔响香港製造, 即唔係由香港嘅resident producing unit)生產, 呢D係入口貨品, 所以要從GDP中扣除, 諗番GDP=C+I+G+(X-M)條式, 嗰件入口貨品嘅價值計咗落C到, 之後响M到扣番。
2. Balance of payment裡面所有items都涉及transactions with foreign countries(同外國有$$$往來), 所以本地人响本地消費, 無論goods or services, 到唔會計落去, 但係外國人响香港買嘢, 因為有domestic export of service, 即係香港收$$$, 所以balance of invisible trade becomes more favourable (無形貿易差額變好), 而balance of visible trade (有形貿易)方面, 香港賣咗件貨$100, 收咗$100 (credit),如果件貨响香港製造, 即屬本地出口貨品, 咁balance of visible trade becomes more favouable(有無形貿易差額變好), 如果件貨唔响香港製造, 即從外國入口o黎嘅, 支出咗$100(debit), 所以balance of visible trade 冇變 (credit $100, debit $100)。
經濟友suggests你做番MCQ 29/04 & 45/06,加強對 GDP 同 Balance of trade嘅了解。
明白嗎, Cccmyc123?


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