Friday, October 19, 2007

會考經濟(14/10/2007) nicky_steven625問:

nicky_steven625: 中四第一次Econ. term test....會考d咩?本人讀緊F.4..讀Econ.就黎有第一次Econ. 既term test.唔知會點樣出同會有d 咩類型既題目....讀Economics 既朋友唔該俾d 意見牙~

大部份嘅日校去到十月中會教緊Demand and Supply (供求)裡面嘅shortage/surplus (超額需求/供給), 教得快d嘅會講到change in demand/supply (需求/供給改變),所以如果十月term test, 多數主要測Basic concepts (基本概念), 而因為學生只係啱啱學緊Demand and Supply 嘅beginning, 所以最多問吓law of demand (需求定律), 以及equilibrium (均衡點)同disequilibrium (shortage/surplus). 唔知會點樣出同會有d 咩類型既題目.? 經濟友估計份test會大概有以下類型嘅題目:

Structural questions:
1. Definition of opportunity cost and analysis of the change in opportunity cost(機會成本的定義及機會成本是否改變及如何改變)
2. Identification of free good(分辨免費物品)
3. Finding out equlibrium, shortage/surplus + demand-supply diagram(找出均衡點, 超額需求/供給 + 供需圖)

1. Scarcity(稀少性)
2. Opportunity cost(機會成本)
3. Consumer goods vs capital goods(消費物品vs資本物品)
4. Identificaiton of the 3 basic economic problems in different econominc systems(分辨在不同的經濟制度下三個資源分配的問題)

同學想進一步了解F4 Econ嘅重點以及針對Paper 1必考題目 ---Opportunity cost (機會成本)同 demand and supply(供求)嘅考評局最新marking準則, 從而加强答題搶分技巧, 可免費試1 free lecture, 詳情可致電9062 3646 或透過電郵



yoman said...

i am a F.4 student ,after teching scarcity ,i am learning PRODUCTION now
but my teacher is really ....
i am not satisfy with PRODUCTION
i want to ask how
1. primary production :fishing (e.g fish vessals,capital goods)
2.secondary production :making fish vessals & canned food
3.tertiary production:providing production & retail services
why it is not a consumer goods between secondary production &tertiary production but capital goods??
thanks !!

Friendonomics said...

Yoman, I'm sorry I can't get what you mean "I want to ask how 1....2...3...". Types of production (primary, secondary and tertiary production) and consumer goods vs capital goods are two different concepts! Perhaps you may come to my office before 2:45pm today so that we can discuss the problems that you encounter.


Chevan said...

你好呀~ 我依家中五了~


準備了狂操PAST PAPER 還有 做練習

仲有多留意 你網頁 學野~

Chevan said...


不過搵唔到咁舊的... 唔知你幫唔幫到我呢?

pppp said...

我想問: 我唔知條supply 幾時先要打直(02年第11b),另外,我分唔到supply改變同demand改變既分別??
仲有問題:書話:many close substitute=> elastic demand
係咪即係 increase 個elasticity of demand???