1.Some economists have suggested that the government-owned RTHK should be changed to a private enterprise. Give two reasons for supporting the suggestion.
2.With more customer, ‘Yummy Yummy’ has to employ more workers to increase the output. However, with its existing facilities and equipment, the shop could not further increase the output by employing more workers when the no. of workers has reached a certain level. Name and state the economics law which explains the above situation.
3. Form the view point of society, give two advantages a public corporation has over a government department.
4. Derived demand 同 joint demand 有咩分別?
5. During a rainy period, the price of umbrellas increased by 5% while the quantity transacted increased by 10%.
Which of the following is true about the above situations?
A. the supply is elastic
B. The demand is elastic.
Q1 and Q3: 响新syllabus (由 HKCEE 2005開始)唔考嫁喇!
Q2: 呢題係 CE 93-Q1(b) (5分), 答案係law of diminishing marginal returns (邊際回報遞減定律), 因為題目話“the shop could not further increase the output by employing more workers”(間鋪冇法增加工人去增加產出), 即係話workers係fixed factors (固定要素), 同學温番Input, Output and Cost (投入, 產出與成本)呢個section, 一係考short run (短期, 有fixed factors + variable factors 可變要素) 嘅law of diminishing marginal returns, 一係考long run (長期, 冇fixed factors, 只有variable factors)嘅economies of scale (規模經濟), 所以呢題講緊short run, 擺明考law of diminishing marginal returns。當年嘅marking 好鬆吓, 嗡到個law俾2分, 寫埋definition俾埋果3分, 一共5分。
Q4: Derived demand 同 joint demand 有咩分別? 睇番經濟友响會考經濟(24/04/2007) annaboa 問嘅解釋啦!
Q5: 呢題MC同 HKCEE MCQ 9/2006問法一樣, 經濟友响24/03/2007果場Econ奪A解碼講座解釋過。簡單o黎講, 第一, 題目話明price (價格) 同quantity (數量) 都係上升 (即同方向), 諗番Ed = % change in Qd/ % change in P, 跟據law of demand (需求定律), P 同Qd係反方向, 再諗番Es = % change in Qs/ % change in P, 跟據law of supply (供給定律), P 同Qs係同方向, 所以一定係睇Es而唔係Ed。第二, Es = % change in Qs/ % change in P, 分子上升10%, 分母上升5%, 所以Es >1, 即elastic supply (彈性供給)。答案係A喇! 點解唔係B?同學如果明白change in demand (需求) 同change in quantity demanded (需求量)嘅分別, 就知道題目係因raining (唔係price平咗)而買多咗umbrella, 所以係 demand 增加 (即demand curve shifts to the right)。問題 唔係睇消費者買umbrella時候, 因price下跌而令到 quantity demanded 上升嘅反應, 換句話講, 唔係考慮Ed.