會考十幾分「鯭車邊」升F6嘅同學, 讀咗一年預科後, 如果覺得自己「唔夠班」考A-level, 唔想「浪費」時間捱F7, 但又想入U, 可以點?
(Source: 明報 31/08/2007)
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
(15/08/2007) siuma問:我想問你會唔會再搞講座呀?好似之前Econ奪A解碼講座咁..我果日唔得閒冇去到 ..我好多fd都係
好抱歉!短期內未諗住再搞講座, 如果你想攞到上次個Econ奪A解碼講座嘅notes同了解番講座講嘅重點, 可以打電話或email俾我, 安排你同d friends响summer course 最後一堂(即下星期四, 23/7)果日上嚟教室啦!
好抱歉!短期內未諗住再搞講座, 如果你想攞到上次個Econ奪A解碼講座嘅notes同了解番講座講嘅重點, 可以打電話或email俾我, 安排你同d friends响summer course 最後一堂(即下星期四, 23/7)果日上嚟教室啦!
會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(6)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(4)
Monday, August 13, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(3)
今年報毅進嘅人比舊年多好多, 有7000人爭讀。
另外, 勞工處搞嘅「青少年見習就業計劃」聽日(14/08/2007)舉辦青年招聘會,提供超過2500個職位空缺。
(Source: 大公報 13/08/2007)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(2)
Friday, August 10, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 中六收生情況(2)
F6收生第一至三階段完咗, 仲淨番3 394官津學位俾27 600人爭, 機會率12%, 其實14分以下嘅同學應該諗吓其他選擇(副學士等課程), 勉強讀A- level都未必係好事, 大把會考揸14-17分嘅人去到A-level 讀得好辛苦, 就算好彩博到全部pass, 都未必入到U, 莫講話想揀邊間讀同想讀咩科, 因為大學收生睇晒會考+高考成績, 扣除本地拔尖, 內地及海外尖子, 如果會考揸12-13分仲要同大批會考二十幾分嘅人鬥A-level, 贏面有幾多其實心裡有數, 大家不妨睇番JUPAS放榜消息 , 所以如果怕「浪費」兩年A-level時間, 可以揾吓其他升學出路 。
(Source: 東方日報 10/08/2007)
(Source: 東方日報 10/08/2007)
會考放榜消息 --- 2007 會考經濟成績
Thursday, August 9, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 升學出路(1)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 勉勵同學(1)
今時今日無論做咩工都要終身學習,會考只係長跑入面其中一個checkpoint, 特首曾蔭權响會考放榜前夕向應屆會考生傳授減壓秘訣, 期間佢自爆當年應考西史時準備充足,但因錯誤分配答卷時間而最後肥佬咗,呢鑊令佢諗到讀書並非只為考試,特首仲勉勵學生從挫折中成長, 至於高官同娛樂圈嘅人都經歷過會考, 佢哋又點睇會考?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
會考放榜消息 --- 放榜準備
Monday, August 6, 2007
hi~wong sir~可唔可以講下入讀各大學經濟系既requirement呀?有冇邊間特別好/出名架?讀完econ出路係點呀?唔該~
1. 想知入讀各大學經濟系嘅requirements, 同學可以上JUPAS網站, click 入Programs offered under JUPAS查詢, 大U讀Econ嘅requirements如下:
CUHK Economics
HKALE:Grade E or above in 2 AL / 1 AL + 2 AS subjects + Grade E or above in AS Chin Lang & Culture and UE. HKCEE : Good grades in Eng Lang and one of the following subjects: Chin Lang, French / German + A good grade in Maths. Except for JUPAS applicants who enter for HKALE during Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 years, admissions scores of applicants with more than 1 sitting of HKALE will be adjusted downwards.
Program description:
The Department of Economics has the largest number of major students among all the undergraduate economics programmes in Hong Kong. We emphasize a balanced development of theoretical, applied, and analytical skills. Each student may choose to specialise in one, or at most two, concentration areas including Advanced Economics, Financial Economics, Business Economics and Chinese Economy. These concentration areas allow the students to acquire such in-depth professional knowledge that would prepare them adequately for diverse careers. James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in economic science, is the University's Distinguished Professor-at-Large, making us the only economics programme in Hong Kong to have a Nobel Laureate. The Department has been ranked number one in Hong Kong. We welcome both arts and science students.
Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/pgminfo/ssc.htm
HKU Economics & Finance
HKALE passes (i.e. Grade E or above) at both AL and AS in the same subject are counted as one.To Satisfy the University's entrance requirements, applicants are normally required to have at least a Grade D or better in AS Use of English. This programme is however prepared to admit academically talented students who may have additional English language needs. Applicants with good grades in HKALE subjects but with Grade E in AS Use of English will also be considered, on the understanding that these applicants, if selected for admission, will have to attend special English language courses to strengthen their English language proficiency.
Program description:
BEcon students will receive excellent training in microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, statistical tools, the application of theories to various economic activities such as trade, banking, and the labour market, and the analysis of economic performance in different regions including Hong Kong and Mainland China. (BFin students will receive rigorous training in economic and financial analysis and quantitative tools and techniques to promote better financial decision-making and risk management.) The BEcon&Fin degree programme is designed to meet the needs of students who have a balanced interest in the disciplines of economics and finance. While the other two programmes are more specialised, BEcon&Fin combines the strengths of the two specialised programmes but leaves less room for other subjects. .
Website: http://www.hku.hk/admission/jupas-grades.htm
HKUST BBA Economics
HKALE: Grade E or above in 2 AL subjects or 1 AL plus 2 AS subjects. In addition, a grade of D or above in AS Use of English is normally needed for admission. HKCEE: No other specific requirements
Program description:
The BBA programs provide a broad-based management education to students. All undergraduate students in the programs are required to complete a common core curriculum in their first year of study. After that, with the guidance of academic advisors and approval from the Undergraduate Programs Office, students in the BBA stream will select a major in one of the following areas: professional accounting, economics, finance, information systems, operations management, management of organizations and marketing. The curriculum of each of these seven majors is designed in such a way that a student can have double majors if he or she wishes. Therefore, graduation with double major designations (e.g. BBA in Finance and Marketing) is possible.
Website: http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/ugadm/bba.html
(Source: http://web.jupas.edu.hk:6118/jupas/my_list_frame.htm?cproglist)
2. 有冇邊間特別好/出名架? 同學可到公共圖書館搜集資料, 信報月刋資料較多, 大家不妨自己去揾吓本港大學排名, 各大院校各科排名, 世界頂尖大學排名等, 經濟友响度只提供最近期嘅剪報俾各位參考:
(Source: 明報02/05/2007)
1. 想知入讀各大學經濟系嘅requirements, 同學可以上JUPAS網站, click 入Programs offered under JUPAS查詢, 大U讀Econ嘅requirements如下:
CUHK Economics
HKALE:Grade E or above in 2 AL / 1 AL + 2 AS subjects + Grade E or above in AS Chin Lang & Culture and UE. HKCEE : Good grades in Eng Lang and one of the following subjects: Chin Lang, French / German + A good grade in Maths. Except for JUPAS applicants who enter for HKALE during Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 years, admissions scores of applicants with more than 1 sitting of HKALE will be adjusted downwards.
Program description:
The Department of Economics has the largest number of major students among all the undergraduate economics programmes in Hong Kong. We emphasize a balanced development of theoretical, applied, and analytical skills. Each student may choose to specialise in one, or at most two, concentration areas including Advanced Economics, Financial Economics, Business Economics and Chinese Economy. These concentration areas allow the students to acquire such in-depth professional knowledge that would prepare them adequately for diverse careers. James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in economic science, is the University's Distinguished Professor-at-Large, making us the only economics programme in Hong Kong to have a Nobel Laureate. The Department has been ranked number one in Hong Kong. We welcome both arts and science students.
Website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/pgminfo/ssc.htm
HKU Economics & Finance
HKALE passes (i.e. Grade E or above) at both AL and AS in the same subject are counted as one.To Satisfy the University's entrance requirements, applicants are normally required to have at least a Grade D or better in AS Use of English. This programme is however prepared to admit academically talented students who may have additional English language needs. Applicants with good grades in HKALE subjects but with Grade E in AS Use of English will also be considered, on the understanding that these applicants, if selected for admission, will have to attend special English language courses to strengthen their English language proficiency.
Program description:
BEcon students will receive excellent training in microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, statistical tools, the application of theories to various economic activities such as trade, banking, and the labour market, and the analysis of economic performance in different regions including Hong Kong and Mainland China. (BFin students will receive rigorous training in economic and financial analysis and quantitative tools and techniques to promote better financial decision-making and risk management.) The BEcon&Fin degree programme is designed to meet the needs of students who have a balanced interest in the disciplines of economics and finance. While the other two programmes are more specialised, BEcon&Fin combines the strengths of the two specialised programmes but leaves less room for other subjects. .
Website: http://www.hku.hk/admission/jupas-grades.htm
HKUST BBA Economics
HKALE: Grade E or above in 2 AL subjects or 1 AL plus 2 AS subjects. In addition, a grade of D or above in AS Use of English is normally needed for admission. HKCEE: No other specific requirements
Program description:
The BBA programs provide a broad-based management education to students. All undergraduate students in the programs are required to complete a common core curriculum in their first year of study. After that, with the guidance of academic advisors and approval from the Undergraduate Programs Office, students in the BBA stream will select a major in one of the following areas: professional accounting, economics, finance, information systems, operations management, management of organizations and marketing. The curriculum of each of these seven majors is designed in such a way that a student can have double majors if he or she wishes. Therefore, graduation with double major designations (e.g. BBA in Finance and Marketing) is possible.
Website: http://www.ab.ust.hk/arr/ugadm/bba.html
(Source: http://web.jupas.edu.hk:6118/jupas/my_list_frame.htm?cproglist)
2. 有冇邊間特別好/出名架? 同學可到公共圖書館搜集資料, 信報月刋資料較多, 大家不妨自己去揾吓本港大學排名, 各大院校各科排名, 世界頂尖大學排名等, 經濟友响度只提供最近期嘅剪報俾各位參考:
(Source: 明報02/05/2007)
(Source: 蘋果日報 09/05/2007)
(Source:星島日報 04/05/2007)
3. 讀完econ出路係點呀? 嘩!多到寫唔晒 (除咗冇得做醫護,工程,建築某d專業行業), 好睇際遇,經濟轉變,個人興趣及家人嘅期望等影响, 經濟友只可話俾同學知, 好多Econ畢業生想投身金融, 因始終香港最靠呢行揾錢, 國際金融中心+內地高經濟增長, 大家諗吓自己想做咩啦!
會考放榜消息 --- 升學及輔導
- 教育局公布2007年中六收生程序 (2007-08全港中學中六收生及科目資料,2007/08 中六課程簡介)--- edbs6.hkbn.net/s6/index.html
- 教育局中五學生升學輔導手冊---www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeid=2343&langno=2
- 明報「會考生全策劃」--- life.mingpao.com/htm/hkcee2007/cfm/main1.cfm
- 雅虎香港「放榜專輯2007」--- hk.promo.yahoo.com/exam/2007/hkcee/index.html
同學响F6揀科果陣, 應該睇咗將來入U嘅心儀學科所要求考咩AL/AS 科目, (當然仲要考慮自己嘅能力同興趣啦!) - Programs offered under JUPAS (各院校不同科目之收生要求)---web.jupas.edu.hk:6118/jupas/my_list_frame.htm?cproglist
- 學友社「會考放榜熱線2007」--- 2503 3399
- 香港明愛青少年及社區服務「中五放榜輔導熱線」 --- 2337 1600
- 香港聖公會福利協會「一起走過會考的日子2007」--- 8203 9071 (學生), 8203 9070 (家長)
- 香港青年協會「會考寬頻專線」 ---2777 1112
- 香港青少年服務處「2007明心窗會考放榜輔導熱線」--- 2334 1879
Sunday, August 5, 2007
今年恒商公佈業績, 勁過舊年, 一定吸引更多人報讀, 有好多學生問經濟友要幾多分先入到恒商同莊啓程, 同學如果有留意新聞都略略知道恒商今年收生24分,英文考獲Grade 4以上, 莊啟程文商科平均20分,理科23-24分。同學放榜前應該心裡有數, 如果諗住自己得十幾分就唔值得通宵排定隊, 一來贏面細, 二來放棄揾合自己資格同心水嘅其他學位, 所以响make decision之前諗吓opportunity cost啦! 而且人哋都強調看分數而非看誠意, 如果排隊就收, 邊收得晒動漫排隊果批考完會考嘅誠心人?「唔夠秤」嘅學生通宵排隊多數唔work!
揸靚牌嘅同學可能因「潮流」走去報恒商, 經濟友舊年有個6A學生放棄傳統名校而走去報恒商, 佢話番俾經濟友聽, 29分一到即收, 唔洗interview, 但6A或以上唔收, 佢就要由校長親自interview, 誠意咁表明唔會考慮拔尖, 一心想考好高考然後至入U, 結果俾恒商收咗, 所以誠意絕對唔係冇用, 而係要睇情況。
以下有一d相關嘅新聞俾大家參考吓, 希望幫到各位!
(Source: AM730 02/08/2007)
揸靚牌嘅同學可能因「潮流」走去報恒商, 經濟友舊年有個6A學生放棄傳統名校而走去報恒商, 佢話番俾經濟友聽, 29分一到即收, 唔洗interview, 但6A或以上唔收, 佢就要由校長親自interview, 誠意咁表明唔會考慮拔尖, 一心想考好高考然後至入U, 結果俾恒商收咗, 所以誠意絕對唔係冇用, 而係要睇情況。
以下有一d相關嘅新聞俾大家參考吓, 希望幫到各位!
(Source: 星島日報 02/08/2007)
(Source: 經濟日報 02/08/2007)
(Source: 大公報 02/08/2007)
(Source: AM730 02/08/2007)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
好多學生想投身商界, 响JUPAS(大學聯招)最多人報讀及放於首三志願係BBA (工商管理), demand大咗, 必然bid up個price (要求嘅會考同高考成績越來越高)。
(Source: 蘋果日報 05/07/2007)
至於整體各科嘅學位, 因為大學預留俾F6「拔尖」學生 (舊年會考拎6A嘅人多咗),部分院校亦留番d俾副學士畢業生, 仲有d位留番俾內地及海外尖子, 學位嘅supply冇變, 但多咗人爭, 自然搶高d grade, 所以咪以為meet到入學最低要求 (中英加3科A-level合格)就掂。响報紙睇到, 大U錄取首三志願的人數比率,以CUHK同HKU最高,有98%, 而HKUST就有91%。準備升F6嘅同學不妨睇吓一d有關大學選科嘅新聞, 明年就到你哋揀喇!
(Source: 都市日報 31/07/2007)
(Source: 明報 31/07/2007)
(Source: 星島日報 31/07/2007)
(Source: 蘋果日報 05/07/2007)
至於整體各科嘅學位, 因為大學預留俾F6「拔尖」學生 (舊年會考拎6A嘅人多咗),部分院校亦留番d俾副學士畢業生, 仲有d位留番俾內地及海外尖子, 學位嘅supply冇變, 但多咗人爭, 自然搶高d grade, 所以咪以為meet到入學最低要求 (中英加3科A-level合格)就掂。响報紙睇到, 大U錄取首三志願的人數比率,以CUHK同HKU最高,有98%, 而HKUST就有91%。準備升F6嘅同學不妨睇吓一d有關大學選科嘅新聞, 明年就到你哋揀喇!
(Source: 都市日報 31/07/2007)
(Source: 明報 31/07/2007)
(Source: 星島日報 31/07/2007)
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